Learn a thing or two about the candidates for Stamford mayor - David Martin, Michael Pavia and Rolf Maurer - during their 7pm Wednesday night (aka, tonight!) debate at the Gen Re Auditorium (1st floor at the UConn Stamford campus on Broad).
The topic will be the environment and, just maybe, a companion demonstration on the use of hot air.
If you go, please ask them their position on the robbing of banks that I go to - often! As I may have mentioned, I am against it.
Don't forget, election day is November 3rd!
(photo from Wonderlane, flickr.com)
This should be interesting since Mike (who I knew for years and respected) Lost my respect on his latest with the Scofieldtown dump. Martin has been part of the "Status Quo" for 25 years. The only fresh face i know nothing about is Rolf Maurer, green party i believe.
Did I hear the sound of a briefcase opening? Vote Quimby!
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