No word yet from the Dems or Reps but the Green Party candidate, Rolf Maurer, stepped up to the plate to answer SN's questions:
1. Which local blogs do you read? The Downtown Special Services District Blog
2. Name one thing you have learned about Stamford from local blogs? The full range of businesses and services in the Bedford/Broad Street areas.
3. What is one thing you will preserve about Stamford as mayor? The Loft Artists Association, in one form/location, or another.
4. What is one thing you will change about Stamford as mayor? Introduce city-wide community gardens.
5. What is in your CD player right now? "Silent Nation" by Asia
6. Do you seriously still listen to CDs? Yes, and LPs--never got into MP3s because they don't have album art or lyric sheets.
7. What’s your drink of choice? Water.
8. How are you going to deal with the empty storefronts on Bedford? It's up to the landlord. From what I understand, it's not a matter of finding tenants, but finding the right ones whose businesses complement those already on Bedford. I would like to create more opportunities, though, by converting the Mall ground floor parking area into a mini-mall for indie stores.
9. What is your guilty pleasure? Dark chocolate.
10. How will Stamford’s transportation system differ in five years? Hopefully, it will offer a greater range of options, in the form of bike paths, more residential sidewalks built to the standard of downtown and a combination of increased bus services, perhaps a few jitney shuttles and a trolley running from the South End to Bull's Head.
3 days ago
Rolf, for showing Stamford Notes the respect she deserves, you have my vote.
Water, Asia, and dark chocolate, huh? zzzzzzz
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