With a respectable number of responses to my Mayor O'Bedford post, I can definitively say the following: we like eating and drinking things. I realize that this is profound and heady stuff, but I felt like you should know.
In particular, we like to eat bread (bagel/bakery shop got 5 votes), cheese (cheese shop got 3 votes), fresh produce (3 votes - although in fairness that was coupled with a request for flowers presumably not for consumption), food from Asian markets (2 votes), Brazilian steak (I had to look up "churrascaria" but it got a vote), Thai/Asian fusion (isn't Thai already Asian? That notwithstanding, it got a vote), and soup/salad (another vote).
We like drinking coffee - specifically good and/or independent coffee (3 votes). Some of us prefer our coffee with an open mic. We like to listen to jazz (3 votes), buy high end home goods (one vote - ps see my post on Juliska), vintage clothing and CDs (one vote), shoes (one vote), and independent books (one vote). We also like things Traded by Joe (2 votes). There was a pharmacy vote, but as one reader noted, roll down to Wolf Cleaners and you'll find a sparkly new one up and running next door.
So vendors, if you're out there...we love you, we want you, we need you. Bake us some bread, dress us in vintage and "independent" up our various needs.
1 week ago
I'm sure potential vendors are there. It seems like the landlords are the problem, judging by their willingness to keep storefronts empty rather than, I don't know, rent them out.
And I'm gonna comment again, even if it doesn't count.
I second the Vietnamese restaurant and the Brazilian steakhouse (there's a great one in Port Chester if you can't wait). I'd also love to see even more exotic fare like Moroccan or Ethiopian, but I don't think our fellow Stamforders' palates are that daring just yet.
Vintage clothing would be sweet, but again, this place might be too "un-funky" for that.
High-end home goods would also be nice. I'll have to check out Juliska this weekend.
I vote no on Trader Joe's. I gave the Darien store three chances and they failed me every time with stale chips, moldy bread and spoiled cheese.
Moroccan is a great idea! Or how about a Mediterranean/Middle Eastern restaurant (there is a great restaurant in Philly called Tangerine that would be awesome here - atmospheric, sexy, great food - excellent for large groups as well as dates). And being from the publishing world, an indie bookstore would be a dream - but could it work with the biggest bookstore in CT only a few blocks away (B&N in the mall)? Not so sure...
Glenbrook Laura
Love Tangerine, Laura! And for the record, love TJ (both Trader Joe's and Thomas Jefferson). SOS, I don't think you're giving your neighbors palettes and wardrobes enough credit. I would, however, vote against vintage moldy Moroccan and/or Ethiopian food.
I've tried Ethiopian once in New Haven. I can see why some would like it - interesting spices and you eat it by picking the food up with pieces of spongy bread, no utensils - but it's not really my thing. Still, there's no place like that closer than NYC (I think there's one in the Bronx) so it may be a unique draw if they put one here.
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