reports that Connecticut is on the verge of borrowing one billion dollars to cover its 942 million dollar budget shortfall. State law requires a balanced budget and, as you can see, we ain't got one. Apparently, the state maintains a 1.4 billion dollar rainy day fund, but Governor Rell has other plans for it - namely - to compensate for our future anticipated financial delinquency.
I have less than no expertise in this area, but I am not a fan of the idea that we'll be a billion dollars in debt and presumably paying interest on such a preposterously high loan. Today seems like a pretty rainy day - could we at least pay down a portion of the debt? I'd like to know what kind of interest rate we are getting and how the governor plans to pay for it.
Moreover, as an alternative, I would like to propose a tax on one or more of the following: excessive eyeliner; costumes for dogs; the wearing of pants so baggy that they cling desperately to the underside of the butt; fake British accents; the sale of crappy wine; anyone who went to Harvard and when asked where they went to school says "in Boston"; and sale of whatever detergent left blue marks on my shirt.
3 days ago
I don't get the Harvard thing...are Harvard grads afraid to seem "too smart"?
And yet they come across "too douchy" - ironic, no?
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