- Whether dogs molt.
- Gummy worms, yea or nay?
- Whether underwire bras can cause breast cancer (Really?! Reason to freak out #5932).
- Speculation on the integrity of the Iranian election and the government's response to civil unrest.
- The relative merits of small town parades that, in this instance, feature a float of port-a-potties (pun intended).
- Older lady hairstyles. Ponytails after 50? Ill advised.
- Kathy Lee Gifford (Reason to freak out #5933).
- The much anticipated expiration date on the phrase "staycation."
3 days ago
Don't forget about "daycation" and "nocation." Ugh. Why do people love stupid portmanteau puns? Or should I say punmanteaus?
Agreed - although my dad's spin on it was pretty clever, calling his retirement buddy trip to Vegas a "graycation"
I wonder if "gaycation" has caught on with the rainbow crowd. Probably not; they have too much style for bad puns.
Or fat camp as "weighcation"? Adulterous weekends as "straycations"? Ok, ok...I'm now officially part of the problem...
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